Women of Asia

Women of Asia

A Candle

Are You a Candle?

Created by Karl Gart

The founder of Women of Asia and author of Women Empowerment anthem, "I Know the Longer Way". Organizational mentor and advisor. Leader, chairman, director, and creator of organizations. Educator and writer. Classical musician and composer.

Core Articles

Read about our Mission, Vision, Dreams, and how we shape individuals we call ‘Candles.’ These five articles will help you grasp the ideas that inspire, keep us hopeful, and drive our actions.

Sharing a simple smile, a word of wisdom, a gesture of compassion, or guiding other people's growth makes the world a better place. Who is a Candle?

At first, it seems simple

The Candle is a light-carrying individual. What is light? Sometimes it is just a good word or holding someone’s hand until they are ready to stand up again. Sometimes it is a laborious process; other times, it is a beautiful experience.
You are a Candle when those surrounding you can see the world sharper and truer with your guidance. You may be a Candle if people around you source light from you and become better individuals. You guide a child in somebody’s heart into maturity.


Teachers, mentors, coaches, parents, and leaders are likely Candles, although that’s not always the case. Sometimes a passer-by or a stranger may become a Candle just for you; the same can happen to others when you share your light with them.


You carry light and warmth, and you can save others from freezing. Even though you could burn temples, you light people’s homes, hearts, and minds. You guide others in the darkness.


Only some people will see and follow your flame. Only some will understand it. Only some people will notice you brought them to a better place. Some may want to extinguish your fire. But a Candle won’t let them.


Candles illuminate their surroundings and prolong the everlasting chain of brightness by sharing light.


Women of Asia strives to empower and release the profound potential hidden in humanity suppressed within its feminine part. We support Candles and strive to ease the way for new ones.


Are you one?