Women of Asia envisions a probable future world in which no organizations and initiatives like ours are needed to protect people from one another.
Mission to Exhaust is the Mission of Starcraft Ground Crew, the on-the-ground personnel of the journey to the stars.
In the 21st century, interstellar travels are still mere science fiction, and it’s all right; there is a long way to go. However, considering how humankind could potentially travel to the stars, we must understand it is not only a matter of technological development. This spaceship requires a Crew.
We must foster a society that can collectively undertake a Mission like that. It’s a task transcending gender, nationality, ethnicity, and personal beliefs. It cannot be carried on by just men or women alone, a single country or an exclusive social group. It requires humanity’s collective effort.
Women live in all corners of the world, even at the International Space Station. They are essential and integral to the Starcraft Crew.
At the heart of our Mission is empowering women and eradicating gender-based issues and discrimination. We envision a world of hope and progress opportunities for everyone, where women can thoroughly harness their potential and thrive without compromising their relations and beliefs. We envision a world where women do not have to challenge social expectations to flourish to their fullest, a world where gender is not a barrier to success.
Revolutions cause victims and claim lives. It takes many lives for evolution to adjust to a change.